ABM Case Study: How a Growing Logistics Software Provider Used RollWorks to Bring in High-Quality Leads

Case Study Overview 

The customer

SnapFulfil Cloud Warehouse Management System (WMS) helps retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers drastically improve warehouse and shipping efficiency.  

The challenge

As a lean marketing team with limited resources and in a fast-moving category, SnapFulfil needed to launch and maintain a sales-aligned ABM program that generated high-value leads.  

The payoff

Within 10 months, SnapFulfil saw:

27% of new website visits come from RollWorks

4,000 new top-of-funnel leads with a 6% conversion to MQLs

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ABM Case Study: How a Growing Logistics Software Provider Used RollWorks to Bring in High-Quality Leads

 the customer

A Cloud Warehouse Management System in Growth Mode 

The logistics industry is fast-moving, highly competitive, and—most recently—wrought with change. SnapFulfil Cloud Warehouse Management System (WMS) helps retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers drastically improve warehouse and shipping efficiency. The company boasts an unheard of turnaround time for implementation, which has been critical for companies in urgent need of warehousing and logistics help since the onset of the global pandemic. With many brick-and-mortar retailers suddenly going digital, ABM case study shows how SnapFulfil re-focused its go-to-market efforts to ensure they were bringing in the right kinds of customers. 

The challenge 

Start a Sales-Aligned ABM Program with Minimal Effort and Cost 

The marketing team at SnapFulfil wears a lot of hats. Katie McCauley, Marketing Manager at SnapFulfil, is one half of a two-person team that directs the entire global marketing strategy. For Katie’s team, launching and maintaining an account-based marketing program that their (also small) sales team was aligned with—and that generated high-value leads—came down to time and efficiency.

“With such a lean sales team,” says Katie, “we always want to make sure we’re giving them leads that they're actually able to or want to be working. But we’re almost 100% remote, with limited resources, so nailing down our ideal target account list is difficult.”

As a big part of this case study, it's important to note that when Katie engaged with RollWorks, her team was essentially building a target account list from scratch. She and her counterparts in sales had an executive directive to target both enterprise and mid-market companies with the goal of generating new and recurring revenue.

“It had to be as targeted as possible. I didn’t want to hand over leads that were unlikely to change their WMS. There's no reason for us to be marketing to those people. Same thing for display advertising. We're paying for those impressions and we can’t afford to pay for impressions that will never convert.” 

The how

Target Key Accounts by Making the Most of HubSpot + RollWorks

Katie’s team makes use of HubSpot and RollWorks for generating demand from target accounts, and then nurturing those leads. Currently, the team’s strategy is broken down into a few core components:

  • Target account list building and account scoring
  • Display and social media advertising with intent-based targeting
  • Optimizing the website with engaging content experiences and demo request CTAs
  • Co-ordinated sales outreach

“We use the integration between HubSpot and RollWorks a lot,” says Katie. “The prospects generated from all of our marketing activities get pulled into HubSpot automatically, where we then narrow our target list to sync with RollWorks. That automatic bi-directional syncing alone saves us a lot of time on manual input.” Today, both Katie’s team and their counterparts in sales can add or remove companies from the target account list. And the SnapFulfil team can see it all—sales outreach conducted in HubSpot, display ads, and so on—in one place.

Katie’s team also uses a single, well-optimized RollWorks playbook for its LinkedIn advertising. They rely on intent data from RollWorks, as well as the LinkedIn prospector tool, to continually replenish their list of prospects. “Our current focus for LinkedIn ads is promoting our rules-based engine, which allows customers to make simple changes to the system on their own, without requiring a Support ticket. We call it our ‘go configure’ campaign.” 

“Going forward, our messaging is going to be very customer focused. What we can do for the company, how we're keeping customers happy,” says Katie. As part of these future plans, the marketing team plans to expand and refine SnapFulfil’s RollWorks playbooks based on companies that are aware versus unaware, then adjust the advertising for each audience. “When the time comes, the RollWorks Journey Stages will be useful in measuring that awareness.”


Generate Lift in Web Traffic and Leads with a User-Friendly Tool

Since SnapFulfil launched with RollWorks at the start of 2020, 27% of the company’s website visits have come from RollWorks ads. Katie’s team has used RollWorks to add about 4,000 new top-of-funnel leads to their marketing automation campaigns, with a 6% conversion to MQLs thus far.

“These are click-throughs to the website and leads that we wouldn’t get if we didn’t have RollWorks. Down the line, I think we'll see a lot more traction with actual opportunities and conversions coming through. So far, I'm happy with the lift in site traffic and leads.”

Katie considers RollWorks to be a major catalyst for the improved alignment between sales and marketing, too. “It kicked us into gear in that regard. Now, I can make a stronger case for going a certain direction based on the dollars at work on the platform. And I can show our CEO exactly where those dollars are being spent.”

Ease of use has been a highlight for SnapFulfil, too. “I love the user interface. It's very intuitive. It's very simple. We've used other programs in the past where the dashboards were clunky, and I couldn't get the information that I needed. This is just much simpler.” While this is only the beginning of SnapFulfil’s account-based marketing program, Katie feels good about the way things are unfolding. “I feel like we get a lot for our money. When I compare it to other software applications out there, it's a no brainer.”  This ABM case study points to the tremendous value that small-but-mighty teams can derive from RollWorks, all without a tremendous outlay of marketing budget or effort.

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