Form Fills Won't Cut It: Using Buying Signals To Drive Real Revenue Growth

May 2, 2023

Hey, fellow marketers: Your old tactics aren’t cutting it. It’s time to use data and tech (plus strategy) to change the way you deliver leads to your sales team. That’s right – we said it; leads aren’t dead – they just need to be a good fit.

Join RollWorks’ Director of Revenue Marketing, Jill Brock, as she shares why the lead is alive and well, and how to tap into buyer behavior signals to drive consistent quality.

You’ll learn:

  • How to differentiate between what a lead is and is not (Spoiler alert: Not every form fill is a lead);
  • How to identify high-quality leads with de-anonymization and narrow your unconquerable ICP to a manageable TAL;
  • How a buying-signal-based approach can help marketers boost their top-of-funnel by 4X; and
  • 5 key buying signals to help your sales team turn cold calling into warm calls and drive higher conversion rates.

Don’t miss the opportunity to gain revenue-driving insights and learn how to find success with a buyer-signal-based approach.

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