From Search Struggles to ABM Success: How Nixon Medical Drove 200% Increase In Engagement in One Year

June 24, 2024



In today's hyper-competitive B2B marketing landscape, account-based marketing (ABM) is a powerful strategy to target high-value prospects and drive revenue growth. As a leading B2B marketing agency, Sagefrog Marketing Group recognized the potential of ABM to drive revenue growth for their clients. However, targeting high-value prospects in specific industries like healthcare can be a daunting challenge. By partnering with RollWorks, Sagefrog gained access to a robust ABM platform that allowed them to deliver tangible results for their client Nixon Medical. As an agency partner, Sagefrog was able to leverage RollWorks' expertise in ABM and provide a more comprehensive suite of services. Together, with Nixon Medical, Sagefrog launched and optimized an ABM campaign using RollWorks to leverage the power of ABM to drive revenue growth. 

Nixon Medical, a leading service provider of medical apparel and linens, faced a unique challenge in the healthcare industry where the competition is fierce, and the target audience is highly specific. As a result, Nixon Medical needed a marketing partner that could help them leverage the power of ABM to target high-value prospects effectively. Sagefrog’s B2B marketing expertise combined with RollWorks' robust ABM platform, was the perfect dynamic duo. 

Sagefrog, like many top agencies, turned to RollWorks ABM for their client because it provides a powerful platform for targeting high-value prospects and driving revenue growth. ABM’s ability to deliver more qualified sales leads faster, build trust with decision-makers, and align sales and marketing goals can help other agencies achieve greater success, like Sagefrog achieved for Nixon Medical.



When Nixon Medical and Sagefrog Marketing Group launched their ABM campaign, their primary challenge was to increase brand awareness in new locations among their intended B2B audience. However, their goals were not limited to awareness alone. The ultimate goal was to drive revenue growth by enhancing their sales pipeline and generating new marketing qualified leads (MQLs), especially in the emerging Texas market and among prospects entering a contract renewal period.

Upon running many paid and organic search campaigns, Sagefrog and Nixon Medical realized the need for a more targeted approach.While search terms such as “medical scrubs” and “top scrub vendors” were technically targeted to Nixon Medical’s B2B audience, the campaigns were garnering more traction with a B2C audience. To overcome this search challenge and reach the right B2B decision-makers, Sagefrog and Nixon Medical sought a more targeted approach using ABM.



To overcome the challenges of attracting the wrong audience with their previous search campaigns, Nixon Medical and Sagefrog leveraged a highly targeted integrated and account-based marketing program. With the help of RollWorks, they developed a digital strategy and playbook that focused on delivering conversion-driven content and design to the right audience at the right time. Specifically, they created product-focused banner ads and GIFs that were displayed strategically to outpatient healthcare office managers in locations Nixon Medical would soon be servicing. 

This approach enabled them to deliver the right message to the intended audience and ensure that their campaigns were reaching high-value prospects who were most likely to convert, resulting in a significant increase in revenue and brand recognition.

Nixon Medical and Sagefrog Marketing Group's ABM approach involved more than just ads. Their integrated, omnichannel marketing program included various tactics such as content marketing, digital marketing, email marketing, public relations, and social media efforts that were all strategically aligned to deliver personalized messaging and content to their high-value prospects. This included downloadable resources, blogs, videos, paid and organic search campaigns, email newsletters, press releases, and social media posts tailored to their specific audience's interests and needs. By focusing on an integrated approach, they created a seamless experience for their prospects, delivering personalized content at every touchpoint in the customer journey.

The Power of ABM: 

  • A 47% increase in targeted accounts reached

  • A 100% increase in number of account visits 

  • A 200% increase in accounts engaged- accounts that saw at least one ad and viewed at least three pages of the website

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