Healthcare Data Services Provider Increases New Logo Acquisition 234% with ABM


Case Study Overview for HealthLink Dimensions and Acclaro

The customer

HealthLink Dimensions, an established healthcare data company and its full-service marketing agency, Acclaro.

The challenge

How to expand deal pipeline into a new and competitive vertical, and how to differentiate HealthLink Dimensions from competitors in a crowded marketplace.

The payoff

In just over a year, HealthLink Dimensions saw:

A 234% Increase in New Customer Pipeline Since 2020

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Healthcare Data Services Provider Increases New Logo Acquisition 234% with ABM

 the customer

An Established Healthcare Data Company and Its Full-Service Marketing Agency 

For more than twenty years, HealthLink Dimensions (HLD) has been a leader in providing healthcare data services to hospitals, life sciences companies, and insurers, across the United States. The company’s services are built on the largest multi-sourced, audited provider database available. To help market their services, HLD relies on Acclaro as its strategic marketing and advertising agency. Recently, Acclaro implemented ABM with RollWorks to help HLD break into a new healthcare market while refining its list of target accounts.

The challenge 

Expand Deal Pipeline Into a New and Competitive Vertical  

Leading up to its launch of ABM with RollWorks, Acclaro had been overseeing marketing strategy for HLD for over 5 years. As HLD’s marketing agency, Acclaro provided brand strategy, content marketing, paid advertising, and email campaigns for HLD.

“When HLD wanted to expand into a new vertical - healthcare insurance providers - Ryan St. John, President & CEO of Acclaro knew that they would need new ways to reach both new accounts in the health insurance sector, and new buyers in the same accounts they’d been targeting in the hospitals and life sciences sectors. .”

“In the data market, everybody argues about who has the most accurate data. How do we really differentiate HLD in the marketplace beyond a simple brand promise?” asks St. John. “How do we actually prove that HLD data is quality is superior?” .

Of course, HLD had its sights set on adding new logos across its core verticals, not just in health insurance. Despite the company’s impressive 95% client retention rate, a few challenges were stunting new logo acquisition.

Fatiguing email list

St. John and the Acclaro team found that returns on email marketing had significantly diminished. “The email lists hadn’t changed for a few years. We were sending the same messages and content to the same audience over and over.” As a result, email campaigns were yielding very little by way of qualified leads, new opportunities, and closed-won business.

Far fewer in-person events

In the past, HLD spent the largest percentage of its marketing budget on in-person events. The disruptions related to COVID-19 forced Acclaro to help HLD find those new accounts digitally.

putting new people into the funnel

In the end, Acclaro and HLD needed to find new ways to get new accounts into the funnel. Based on past experience with AdRoll, St. John started looking into RollWorks as an ABM platform. He discovered that RollWorks could help find new target accounts and buyers by domain, title, and seniority. And he knew he’d be able combine this account-based approach with their existing Google Ads and LinkedIn outreach.  

The how

A Powerful Mix of Account-based Marketing Air Cover and Sales Outreach

While RollWorks was one new tool in the stack, St. John used it as part of a more comprehensive approach to the entire marketing strategy for HLD.

narrowing down the ideal customer profile (ICP)

By merging existing date from HLD's CRM and CDP tools, St John was able to better identity the client profile and buying centers they need to target. He collaborated with Nathan Lenyszyn, VP of Marketing at HLD, and the HLD sales team to align everyone around this new target account list (TAL.)

"We collectively defined those personas within those buying centers and what mattered to them within the buying committee. And then went to work identifying these target accounts and the individuals that these accounts that we wanted to run omni-channel campaigns to."

Engaging the tal with marketing air cover and sdr outreach 

With better alignment around the TAL, St. John and team raised the bar for marketing and sales outreach in support of ABM. This included promoting gated and ungated thought leadership assets closely tied to the needs of the ideal customer profile. Additionally, the SDRs leveraged numerous persona sequences set up for the different target account varietals. Where appropriate, the SDRs also had e-gifting at their disposal, such as credit for UberEats, or a morning coffee.

finding the right messaging for different segments 

Finally, the Acclaro team worked with HLD to tailor its messaging for the different decision makers from hospitals, life sciences, and health insurance. So they used RollWorks to segment campaigns by persona and industry to deliver even more personalized messaging.

For example, St. John needed to see what messaging worked for the new target health insurance companies. Since April, St. John has been testing new messaging through RollWorks display ads, and looking at site traffic to better understand how HLD can capitalize on what's working.

“We went to work identifying these target accounts and the individuals that these accounts that we wanted to run omni-channel campaigns to.”

— Nathan Lenyszyn, Vice President of Marketing at HealthLink Dimensions


A 234% Increase in New Customer Pipeline Since 2020

Since implementing account-based marketing with RollWorks, HLD has seen a 234% increase in new closed-won logos in just over a year. Acclaro and HLD have found that their ability to address the new health insurance vertical centered around pushing the TAL through the funnel.

Says Lenyszyn, “We've been beating the health insurance drum since April and we're finally starting to get some traction.” Today, the team doesn’t rely on a single content marketing, display, or email campaign to drive acquisition. Instead, they’re orchestrating a multi-touch approach that combines marketing air cover, SDR outreach, and more. And this coordinated approach is contributing to greater performance across channels.

RollWorks went from being a digital stopgap in 2020 to being a key part of HLD business strategies in 2021. “We seem to have reached a tipping point where now those people that have been interacting with us and coming back to our website and getting retargeted are finally deciding to engage. Next thing you know, we've got a discovery call or a demo.”

Moving forward HLD plans to support a growing SDR team, while making even better use of intent data. The plan is to lean more heavily on ABM to go deeper into the hospital, life science, and insurance verticals—all while leaving space to expand into other healthcare markets should the opportunity arise. 




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