Match Made in Revenue: How to Transform Marketing Tactics into Sales Wins

July 31, 2024

Marketing and sales alignment drives revenue growth. Period. When these teams sync up, sales cycles shrink, deal sizes grow, and win rates climb 38% higher. But the path to alignment is challenging, filled with communication breakdowns and missed opportunities.

Marketers, you're facing a critical challenge. You need to capture buyer attention and convert it into tangible sales results. Too often, leads evaporate before generating revenue. RollWorks tackles this head-on. Our account-based marketing (ABM) solutions connect your marketing efforts directly to sales outcomes. We transform your strategy into a powerful revenue engine, bridging the gap between marketing activity and bottom-line results.

Let’s learn how.

Inside the Marketer's Mind: KPIs, Pains, and Potential

Marketers, we see you. You're juggling a million metrics, trying to satisfy sales and prove your ROI—all while keeping pace with the ever-shifting B2B industry. Let's break down what makes you tick and where the real opportunities lie.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Your success hinges on hard numbers. Here's what's keeping you up at night:

❇️ Marketing-Sourced Revenue and Opportunities: This KPI reflects the direct impact of marketing efforts on the bottom line by tracking the revenue or opportunities attributed to marketing initiatives. Every dollar and every opportunity you generate is a testament to your impact. It's your direct line to proving marketing's value in cold, hard cash.

❇️ Lead Volume Delivered to Sales: This measures the quantity of potential buyers marketing has identified and passed to sales, serving as a vital link in the revenue chain. You're the engine powering the sales machine. The more high-quality leads you pump out, the more potential deals enter the pipeline.

❇️ ROI on Platform and Ad Spend: This indicator assesses the efficiency of marketing expenditures, revealing the financial return on each dollar spent. In a world of tightening budgets, you need to squeeze every ounce of value from your tech stack and ad dollars. Your ability to turn spend into revenue is under the microscope.

Conquering Marketing's Biggest Hurdles

You're facing an uphill battle. Here's what's standing in your way:

❇️ Lead Quality Concerns: Sales teams are griping about lead quality, questioning their readiness or likelihood to purchase, which in turn questions the very foundations of your efforts. It's time to silence the doubters with leads so hot, they practically close themselves.

❇️ Underutilized Marketing-Sourced Signals: You're generating valuable signals, but sales aren’t acting on them in a timely manner, which potentially wastes opportunities to close deals. We'll show you how to amplify your message so it's impossible to ignore.

❇️ Struggles in Generating Hand-Raise Signals: Getting prospects to raise their hands and shout, "I'm interested!" feels like pulling teeth. Let's turn those silent prospects into a chorus of eager buyers.

Supercharging Marketing Efficiency with RollWorks Solutions

RollWorks tackles the friction points between marketing and sales with sharp, strategic solutions. Our tools are crafted to streamline operations, improve lead quality, and ensure that every marketing move contributes directly to sales success. Here’s how we make it happen.

🎯 Targeting with Precision

RollWorks sharpens your marketing focus with advanced audience segmentation, ensuring you're hitting the right targets every time. Our platform leverages robust data analytics to identify and segment audiences that match your ideal customer profile, elevating lead quality and driving sales satisfaction. 

With RollWorks, you'll:

  • Build and segment audiences with surgical precision, ensuring every campaign hits its mark.

  • Deliver leads so tailored, your sales team will think you're reading prospects' minds.

  • Watch your lead quality soar, silencing doubters and turning sales into your biggest cheerleaders.

Result? Campaigns that resonate, convert, and prove marketing's worth in dollars and cents.

Case Study Spotlight💡: Alveo’s Marketing Transformation

For a real-life example of how precision targeting can revolutionize a company’s marketing strategy, consider the success story of Alveo, a leader in data management services for the financial sector. Faced with the challenge of connecting with the right decision-makers in a highly specialized market, Alveo turned to RollWorks to refine their approach to market engagement.

Using our precision targeting tools, Alveo was able to:

  • Sharpen Marketing Focus: With RollWorks’ analysis of online behavior and intent data provided by our partners, Alveo could reach out to precisely those accounts actively seeking solutions.

  • Enhance Content Personalization and Delivery: By integrating RollWorks with HubSpot, Alveo crafted content that spoke directly to their target accounts' needs and ensured that this content was delivered through the most effective channels.

  • Align Sales and Marketing Efforts: RollWorks' insights enabled seamless synergy between sales and marketing, ensuring that both teams were aligned and equipped with the knowledge to engage accounts showing the highest intent.

The payoff for Alveo was significant: a fuller sales pipeline, increased visibility, and a marked improvement in engagement and collaboration across teams. 

📊 Insights that Drive Sales Action

We don’t just collect data—we turn it into gold for your sales team. RollWorks provides real-time insights crucial for sales effectiveness, such as which accounts are most engaged and ready to buy. 

We're bridging the gap between marketing data and sales action:

  • Surface game-changing insights that turn your sales team into market experts.
  • Provide real-time intent data, helping sales prioritize hot leads and strike while the iron's hot.
  • Equip your team with account-specific intelligence, enabling personalized outreach that converts.

Watch sales eagerly devours your insights, turning data into closed deals and shared victories.

Ads that Align and Conquer

With RollWorks, your display ads do more than just look good—they work hard. Our targeted ads ensure that your messaging is consistent across all channels, reinforcing sales narratives and keeping your brand firmly in the minds of decision-makers. 

Your brand deserves to be seen—by the right eyes, at the right time:

  • Execute display ads that act as tireless brand ambassadors, keeping you top-of-mind with decision-makers.
  • Align ad messaging seamlessly with sales narratives, creating a consistent story that resonates across channels.
  • Deliver personalized content that speaks directly to each account's pain points and aspirations.

The result? A digital presence that opens doors for sales and accelerates the buyer's journey.

Case Study Spotlight 💡: SnapFulfil Cloud Warehouse Management System

For a real-world example of how RollWorks tailors its solutions to supercharge marketing efforts, look no further than SnapFulfil, a provider of logistics software. Faced with the challenge of maintaining a lean marketing team while needing to generate high-quality leads, SnapFulfil turned to RollWorks. Our targeted display ads played a pivotal role in their strategy, aligning tightly with their sales goals.

Within just 10 months of implementing our solutions, SnapFulfil witnessed remarkable outcomes:

⭐️ A 27% increase in new website visits directly attributed to RollWorks campaigns.

⭐️ The generation of 4,000 new top-of-funnel leads, with a solid 6% conversion rate to Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs).

These results highlight the effectiveness of RollWorks in driving visibility and real, measurable engagement, helping SnapFulfil's marketing efforts align seamlessly with their sales objectives and driving substantial business growth.

Unified Campaigns for Maximized Impact

We orchestrate cross-channel campaigns synchronizing marketing and sales efforts, driving them toward a common victory. 

It's time to make some noise—the kind that turns heads and generates hand raises:

  • Launch synchronized campaigns across multiple channels, surrounding your target accounts with irresistible messaging.

  • Craft multi-touch strategies that guide prospects from awareness to consideration to decision, hand in hand with sales.

  • Generate qualified hand raises that sales will scramble to follow up on, bridging the gap between marketing efforts and closed deals.

With RollWorks, your campaigns become a force multiplier, turning prospects into red-hot opportunities.

Your Revenue Revolution Starts Here

RollWorks is your launchpad for marketing and sales domination. We deliver precise audience targeting, crystal-clear insights to sales, and dynamic ad campaigns that make every click count. 

Here's what you're getting:

❇️ Laser-focused audience targeting that converts your ICP into revenue

❇️ Hard-hitting insights that arm your sales team for battle

❇️ Display ads that grab attention and fast-track buyers

❇️ Multi-channel campaigns that flood your pipeline with qualified leads

It's time to stop talking about alignment and start owning it. Transform your marketing into a revenue-generating powerhouse. Forget incremental gains—we're talking about a complete go-to-market overhaul.

Ready to make some serious noise? Let's close deals and show the world what happens when marketing and sales unite with precision.

The revenue revolution is here. Time to choose: lead or follow?

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