Why Contact Discovery is Essential for Winning in Modern ABM

September 6, 2024

ABM has revolutionized B2B growth, but let's face it—targeting accounts alone isn't enough. The real power lies in reaching the individuals who make decisions. That's where Contact Discovery comes in.

Contact Discovery cuts through the noise, automatically revealing key decision-makers and influencers within your target accounts (even how to connect with them!). No more guesswork, no more wasted outreach. It's about getting your message to the right people, right now.

RollWorks gets it. We've baked Contact Discovery into our ABM platform because we know it's not a luxury—it's a necessity. With this powerhouse feature, your marketing and sales teams will uncover and engage entire buying committees with laser precision. The result? Expanded reach, sky-high conversions, and revenue growth that'll make your competitors sweat.

So, are you ready to take your ABM strategy from good to unstoppable?

Why Contact Discovery matters in modern ABM

In today's B2B battlefield, relying on account-level data and form fills is a losing strategy. This outdated approach captures just a sliver of potential buyers, leaving the real power players—the key decision-makers—out of the conversation. You can’t afford to ignore the people who can make or break a deal.

Here’s what our RollWorks research data tells us:

  • 25% of lost new business opportunities happen because sales teams are flying blind without enough contact insights or leads.
  • 21% of customers churn because they didn’t have the quality sales insights or lead volume needed to keep them engaged.
  • 24% of churn happens because of a lack of leads and conversions, directly impacting your bottom line.

The message is clear: if you want to win, you need direct access to the right contacts within your target accounts and have a reliable way to connect with them. You need to target the right people with the right message at the right time. That’s where Contact Discovery steps in.

It cuts through the noise and gets you in front of the full buying committee. It helps you make real connections with the individuals who pull the strings. And it empowers your sales and marketing teams by addressing the gaps that have held them back for too long.

The pain points of limited contact data

Limited contact data is like running a race blindfolded—you’re bound to miss the mark and lose ground. Without the right insights, your ABM strategy stalls, your sales pipeline dries up, and your revenue takes a hit.

Missed decision-makers

Your ABM strategy isn't as sharp as you think. Without precise contact data, you're missing the mark. Your messages? They're not reaching the people who matter. Decision-makers remain untouched, deals evaporate, and your revenue takes a hit. It's time to stop guessing and start engaging the buyers who drive decisions. Every missed contact is a missed opportunity to boost your bottom line.

Navigating Data Gaps

Trying to patch these gaps with multiple contact data tools can lead to disjointed workflows, particularly when ABM and contact data tools are used separately. While this doesn't always result in less accurate data, it certainly introduces inefficiencies. The reason for the gap is twofold: 

First, B2B contact data tools are never 100% accurate because businesses can change rapidly—people switch jobs and roles, and re-organizations happen, leading to quick data decay. Second, sometimes databases lack the breadth to cover every single contact and their information, creating unavoidable gaps. When your tools fail to fill these gaps, the result is a fragmented tech stack that slows your team down, wastes resources, and hampers your ability to scale ABM efforts effectively. 

To maximize your ABM efforts, you need a tool that seamlessly integrates with your existing database, adding only unique contacts you don’t already have. Without this, you end up spending more money and time managing tools than actually engaging the contacts that matter. The outcome? Lost deals and stunted growth.

Pipeline drought

A sales pipeline lacking the right contacts is a dried-up riverbed—no flow or growth. Without quality leads, sales teams are stuck in an endless grind, wasting valuable hours hunting for the right people instead of closing deals. This gap directly hits your revenue where it hurts. Without a steady stream of relevant contacts, your pipeline isn't just thin—it's barren. And when your pipeline dries up, so does your revenue. The cost of not having direct access to decision-makers is steep, and the longer you wait, the harder it becomes to reverse the damage.

Introducing RollWorks' Contact Discovery

To address the challenges of limited contact data, RollWorks' Contact Discovery provides a cutting-edge solution that fills the gaps and drives real impact where it counts—your revenue. Contact Discovery is built to target the root causes of missed opportunities and pipeline droughts. Integrated seamlessly into RollWorks Workflows, this feature empowers your teams to zero in on the most valuable contacts within the accounts that matter most, ensuring no decision-maker is left in the dark.

Key capabilities:

  • Reliable Contact Data: Contact Discovery unleashes the power of over 98 million U.S. contacts and has 90%+ accuracy, far beyond the limits of your existing CRM records. This vast pool of decision-makers lets you punch through the barriers, expanding your reach within target accounts and uncovering opportunities others might miss—no more gaps, no more guesswork—just a relentless pursuit of the contacts that drive deals.

  • Customizable search parameters: Our highly adjustable filters are designed for precision targeting. Set your preferences for specific job titles, seniority levels, or locations, Contact Discovery will automatically find the exact contacts who influence purchasing decisions. It’s about finding the right contacts, every time.

  • Seamless CRM integration: Stop wasting time on manual data entry. Contact Discovery integrates effortlessly with your CRM, automating the import of discovered contacts so your sales and marketing teams can take immediate action. The result? Faster engagement, better alignment, and more closed deals.

  • Technical efficiency: Configuring Contact Discovery workflows is straightforward. Set up account triggers, apply contact filters, and map CRM fields—all with minimal clicks and customizable templates at your fingertips. This ease of use means you can start uncovering key decision-makers and filling your pipeline with high-quality contacts in no time. For more in-depth technical guidance, detailed documentation is available, ensuring you can fully leverage the power of Contact Discovery.

How Contact Discovery drives business growth

Driving business growth isn’t just about filling your pipeline—it’s about filling it with the right contacts who convert into revenue. Contact Discovery powers this growth by turning untapped potential into real opportunities and driving impact where it matters most.

Reclaim lost opportunities

Don’t let high-value deals slip away because of missing contacts. Contact Discovery ensures your sales teams have a continuous stream of high-fit contacts, significantly expanding your prospecting reach. By leveraging third-party contact data, you unlock access to potential decision-makers who were previously off the radar. Engaging with these stakeholders early in their buying journey boosts your chances of converting deals that might otherwise have been lost. The result? More wins, less waste.

Reduce churn through better lead quality

Churn is the enemy of growth, often fueled by poor lead quality. Contact Discovery tackles this problem by filling your pipeline with relevant, high-quality leads. With detailed insights into decision-makers within target accounts, your teams can engage more effectively and build stronger relationships. This direct access to the right contacts doesn’t just help close deals—it helps keep customers around longer, slashing churn rates that stem from poor targeting.

Upsell and increase ARR

Contact Discovery isn’t just about filling the pipeline— it’s a strategic tool for boosting your Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR). Contact Discovery opens new revenue streams and creates upselling opportunities with existing customers. tap into even more decision-makers within their target accounts. This strategy drives up deal sizes and expands your footprint within each account, securing sustained growth and maximizing customer lifetime value.

Managing credit usage for maximum efficiency

Efficiency is key when leveraging Contact Discovery. The feature operates on a credit-based system, where each redeemed contact uses one credit from your quota. You can set contact acquisition limits to distribute contacts evenly across your target accounts for balanced outreach and optimal resource allocation, giving you complete control over utilizing your resources. You can monitor your Contacts Discovered credit usage directly through the Plan & Usage page under Settings.

Maximizing the impact of Contact Discovery with RollWorks

To get the most out of Contact Discovery, it’s not enough to just use it—you need to wield it strategically. You can turn Contact Discovery into a growth engine that keeps delivering results by aligning marketing and sales, prioritizing high-impact contacts, and leveraging shared insights.

Align marketing and sales efforts

Contact Discovery isn’t just another tool—it’s a game-changer for how your marketing and sales teams work together. By putting high-quality contact data in the hands of both departments, you tear down silos and build a unified front. When marketing and sales share access to the same actionable insights, they’re no longer guessing—they’re strategizing together. This shared intelligence allows marketing to attract and nurture the right leads, while sales swoops in to close with precision. The result? A seamless ABM strategy where every move is coordinated, every effort is amplified, and every touchpoint works toward the same goal: turning prospects into customers, faster.

Focus on high-priority contacts

Not all contacts are created equal, and Contact Discovery knows this. It empowers your sales teams to prioritize high-fit, in-market decision-makers—the ones who are most likely to say "yes" and move the needle. With this level of focus, your outreach isn’t just targeted— it’s razor-sharp. Marketing can fuel the pipeline with contacts that meet the exact criteria for decision-making roles, while sales can zero in on these high-value targets without wasting time on dead ends. This concentrated effort boosts conversion rates, shortens sales cycles, and ensures your team is always chasing the leads that matter most.

Refine targeting strategies with contact insights

Contact Discovery is your gateway to uncovering previously unknown decision-makers within target accounts. Rather than analyzing trends or performance metrics, Contact Discovery focuses on expanding your reach by identifying key contacts who might otherwise go unnoticed. By enriching your CRM with accurate, up-to-date contact information, you can ensure your ABM efforts are directed at the right individuals, enabling your sales and marketing teams to engage more effectively with the people who have the authority to drive decisions. This straightforward but powerful tool allows your team to operate with precision, targeting the right contacts at the right time.

Getting started with Contact Discovery in RollWorks

Setting up Contact Discovery workflows in RollWorks is designed to be quick and intuitive, letting you dive straight into building a more targeted ABM strategy. Follow these steps to start uncovering the key decision-makers who can drive your revenue growth:

  1. Create a new workflow: Head to the Workflows section and select "Acquire New Contacts" from the available templates. This gets you started with a ready-made framework that you can customize to fit your strategy.

  2. Define account triggers: Set precise criteria for your target companies. Use account filters like industry, company size, or intent signals to zero in on high-fit accounts. The goal here is to focus your efforts where they’ll have the most impact—right from the start.

  3. Apply contact filters: Pinpoint the contacts that matter by specifying parameters such as job title, seniority, and location. This ensures you bring in decision-makers who can influence purchasing.

  4. Set enrollment settings: Decide how frequently the workflow should run and whether accounts can re-enter after a specific period. This control allows you to keep the process fresh and continuously aligned with your evolving ABM strategy.

Elevate your ABM strategy with Contact Discovery

ABM is evolving and staying ahead means focusing on accounts and the individuals who shape decision-making within those accounts. Contact Discovery is a powerful tool that enables marketing and sales teams to move beyond traditional account-level targeting, providing the critical insights needed to engage buying committees more effectively.

Adopting Contact Discovery will empower your teams with the data they need to capture more opportunities, reduce churn, and drive sustained growth. It’s time to elevate your ABM strategy by connecting directly with the people who matter most.

Get started with Contact Discovery today to empower your teams, capture more opportunities, and drive sustained growth.

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